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CTOL: Home

Center for Teaching and Online Learning


Building 22, Room 181


Monday - Friday

8:00am - 4:00pm


The Center for Teaching & Online Learning (CTOL) provides support to faculty on instructional design topics, Canvas support for faculty, and technical support for online education at South Puget Sound Community College.

We are located on the Mottman Campus in Building 22, room 181. Our facilities include a faculty center for professional development and a webinar-enabled conference room.

Welcome to online learning at SPSCC!

Calendar of Events

I have a question for:

Ellen: CWAs, Student Learning and Assessment.

Caroline: Course Design, Canvas Questions.

Heather Maye: Communities of Practice, Faculty Support.

Jillian: Course accessibility, and disability awareness in the classroom.

Kyle: Content accessibility, Microsoft 365 functionality.

Ryer: Open Education Pedagogy and Resources.


In collaboration with faculty, we develop training and support opportunities so that instructors are better equipped to engage students in more comprehensive, equitable, and accessible learning environments. In conversation with the campus community, we re-design and re-vision systems to support and guide college initiatives.