If your question is not answered here, call us during open hours at 360-596-5271 for an immediate answer, or you can email the library.
Bring your items to the Check Out Desk and provide a photo ID (e.g. student card or driver's license).
Students are encouraged to get a Student ID card. In addition to using it as a library card, students get many other benefits which include free admission to college events, including dances, movies, concerts, lectures, special events and recreational and/or athletic events as well as student discounts at participating venues such as museums, stores, and movie theaters.
Items | Students | Faculty/Staff | Community |
Books | Until the end of the current quarter | Until the end of the current quarter | 28 days |
Magazines | 3 days | 7 days | 3 days |
Video & Audio | 3 days | 7 days | Library Use Only |
Video & Audio in High Demand | Library Use Only | 7 days | Library Use Only |
Course Reserves | Varies per instructor/item | 7 days | No Use |
Yes. Bring your driver's license to the Check Out Desk to create a community library user account.
Go to Reserve Study Room.
Study Room Policy: Study rooms are not open to the public. They can only be reserved by SPSCC students, faculty, and staff. First priority is always to our students.
Only currently enrolled SPSCC students may print in the library.
Your ClipperID, which is your student email account (student@spscc.edu), is linked to your print account. Students are pre-loaded with a small amount of credit to their printing account each quarter (this amount does not roll over to the next quarter). Once this pre-loaded credit is used up, students can use a credit card to add money to their print account online, or pay with cash or check in the One Stop center (Building 22, second floor).
Printing cost is 7 cents per page for black and white. Color printing is available for 25 cents per page. Double-sided pages are considered one page.
If you are not a currently enrolled student at SPSCC: you may go your local Timberland Regional Library where you get $44 credit on your library card per month for printing.
Currently enrolled students: use your ClipperID (same thing you use to login to Canvas). Forgot your password or username? Go to Password Recovery to reset your password.
Community users: Ask a library staff member to log you on. Though you are welcome to use the library's computers at any time, our first priority is always to our currently enrolled students. During high demand times for library computers (typically between 9am-1pm), you are encouraged to use a laptop computer. Laptop computers can be borrowed at the Check Out Desk.
All users are expected to adhere to the Computer Resources Acceptable Use Policy.
We have one machine that can print or make copies in both black and white and color. This machine will also scan and email documents or save on an external drive/memory stick. No fax machine.
Food and drinks are allowed in the SPSCC Library.
Please be considerate of those around you when eating. Please clean up after yourself and recycle or discard garbage.
Children are welcome in SPSCC Library when accompanied by parents, guardians, or caregivers. SPSCC-enrolled minors do not need to be accompanied.
Please monitor your child’s noise level and ensure your child’s safety.
We are located on the first floor in the Center for Student Success, Building 22. See Maps and Directions.
When an item you checked out from the library becomes a week overdue, the library will place a fine equal to the value of the item on your account. Fines will prevent you from checking out Library materials. To remove the fine, you may:
Return the item in good condition to the library, or,
Pay the fine at One Stop (Building 22, 2nd floor).
If the item is later returned in good condition you will receive a refund.
For larger fines, you may arrange a payment plan with One Stop.
You can request an InterLibrary Loan (ILL) and we will help you borrow it from another library. Articles will take 1-2 business days to arrive. Books will take 5-10 business days to arrive.
Library student positions will be available at Career Services when we have an open position. Please contact that office for more information.
Go to the SPSCC Writing Center and schedule a time with a writing tutor or sign up for an appointment via TutorTrac. The writing tutors can help you with all aspects of the writing process, including brainstorming, writing thesis statements, developing and organizing ideas and citing sources.
You can also use eTutoring, our online professional tutoring service. It's free for currently enrolled students! The e-Writing Lab at eTutoring allows you to submit a draft of your paper to a tutor, ask for specific feedback, and receive a tutor's response within 24-48 hours. You can also submit eQuestions and a tutor will respond to specific questions within 48 hours (usually sooner).
Our Cite Your Sources page has tutorials and guidelines on how to create citations in MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, ASA, and CSE formats. You may use these guides and tutorials to learn how to cite your work.
You can also schedule a time with a SPSCC Writing Center tutor or contact an e-Writing Lab tutor at eTutoring for one-on-one help with citing your work.
Ask a Librarian is a 24/7 live chat service where you can get help with citations and other research related questions.
Yes! SPSCC has several tutoring centers as well as an online professional tutoring service to help our students. Go to Tutoring & Learning Support to find the tutoring service that you need.
You can also go see your professor during their office hours to get extra help from your professor. Your professor's contact information and office location are on your syllabus. You can find your class syllabus in Canvas.