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Library Research Guides

Environmental Science--Corliss: Primary or Secondary?

Primary or secondary?

1.       “Waves of Change,” The Environmental Magazine; July/August 2008

The article reports on the launching of several wave power projects that would boost power supply in Ireland. According to Graham Brennan, program manager for renewable energy research and development at Sustainable Energy Ireland, tidal waves could potentially offer up to 70 percent of the country's electrical power. The profiled several firms that have developed wave turbine prototypes being tested in the country and off the coast of Scotland including Wavebob, Ocean Energy, and Open Hydro.


2.      “Golden monkey populations decline despite improved protection in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda,” African Journal of Ecology, June 2007

The article presents a study of the endangered golden monkey inhabiting Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda. Monitoring of golden monkey populations is warranted so that timely remedies can be applied if declines are detected. Line transect censuses were conducted twice a month for seven months to obtain an estimate of golden monkey abundance. The numbers of golden monkeys are expected to increase following the protection of endangered species in a national park. However, the sighting rates suggest a steady decline in golden monkey abundance between 1989 and 2003.


3.      “Development of a 'Matrix Scoring Technique' to determine litter sources at a Bristol Channel beach,” Journal of Coastal Conservation, May 2004

Litter at beaches can come from more than one source and determining the proportions to assign pollution to different sources is very complex. There is no widely accepted methodology at present that links litter items to their source. The aim of this study was to create a method of assigning a source to litter found on beaches of the Bristol Channel but which could equally be used on any beach. A new method of assigning a source to beach litter was developed. The developed 'Matrix Scoring Technique' was applied to data collected at Minehead beach on the Bristol Channel, UK. This cross-tabulated matrix scoring system can produce an insight into the contribution of different source groups to litter found on beaches. This novel approach requires further testing with emphasis on a control data set.


4.      “Antarctic Station Runs on Renewable Energy,” Civil Engineering, December 2007

The article reports that the planned Princess Elisabeth Station will be the first Antarctic research base to rely solely on renewable energy sources. The research station is poised to help researchers make valuable contributions to the scientific study of global climate change. It will be powered by both the wind and the sun. The design team made energy efficiency a high priority in order to ensure that the station would not require any more energy than could be supplied by renewable sources. The building will rely on solar thermal systems and passive techniques for heat.

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