You will need your SPSCC email and password to access these databases off campus.
One Search: Search everything at once!
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) - Magazine and scholarly journal articles.
Research Library (Proquest) - Best for hobby topics. Magazine and scholarly journal articles.
CQ Researcher - In-depth reports on current social, political, and cultural topics.
Opposing Viewpoints - Opinionated arguments on political and social issues.
Films on Demand - online streaming videos many topics.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine -- health topics
Gale Encyclopedia of Cultures & Daily Life -- for cultural overviews
Global Road Warrior -- cultural information arranged by country
Agriculture -- scholarly journals and magazines
Computers and information technology
Movies -- encyclopedia
Nursing -- scholarly articles
Bioethics -- encyclopedia
Legal issues -- encyclopedia
Business -- trade publications and scholarly journals
Education -- trade publications and scholarly journals
Psychology -- PsycArticles OR Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Family health -- mostly magazines
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior
Religion -- magazines and scholarly journals