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Cite Your Sources (Box Titles)

Works Cited Page

Works Cited Page

Works Cited is the part of your paper in which you give full citations for all of the sources used within your paper. It is a separate page added to the end with the same header as the preceding pages. The page is labeled at the center top as Works Cited. All entries are double spaced with the second and later lines indented by 0.5 inches. No extra spaces are skipped between entries. All entries should end in a period.

Sources are listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name. If an entire edited collection is cited, use the editor's name. The Author's names should be written as Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial. The middle initial only needs to be included if it is given in the article attribution. Titles and degrees are not included but suffixes such as Jr. or II are. Suffixes are included at the end of the name. Names should end with a period. The format should look as follows, depending on the information communicated:

Last, First, MI.

Last, First.

Last, First, MI, Jr.

Two authors are listed with a comma after the first authors name, then an "and" before the second author. Note that the second author's name is written First Name then Last Name.

Last, First, and First Last.  

More than two authors are listed as:

Last, First, et al.

If more than one work by an author is used, alphabetize those works by title, and use three hyphens in place of the author's name for every entry after the first:

Author. Title. [...]

---. Title. [...]

When an author is both the solo author of a text and first author of a group, list solo author sources first:

Author1. Title.

Author1, and Author2. Title.

In instances where you have no author, write the title first and use that to place the source alphabetically.

All words in source titles should be capitalized except for articles (i.e. a, an, the), prepositions (i.e. to, of, in), and conjunctions (i.e. and, or) . The first word of the title must be capitalized regardless of its grammatical function. Italics should be used for the titles of larger works (i.e. books) and quotation marks should be used for shorter works (i.e. articles).

Page numbers should be indicated with the abbreviation p. if referring to a single page or pp. if a range of pages is indicated (i.e. p. 176 or pp. 147-53). Repeated initial digits are excluded when indicating a range (i.e. pp. 275-93 instead of pp. 275-293). Note that a hyphen is used to show that intervening numbers are included.

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated bibliographies are basically a Works Cited list that has a short brief blurb after each citation to either 1) summarize what it was about, 2) evaluate it, 3) reflect on why it was used in your paper, or 3) all of the above. The purpose of the blurb and how long it should be depends on your professor, so make sure to check your professor's requirements.

Below is a video that explains what an annotated bibliography is, why it is important, and how to create one in an online Word document.