MLA has very specific rules for formatting your paper.
• It must be printed on standard 8.5" x 11" paper.
• The font needs to be legible (Times New Roman is recommended but not required).
• The font size should be 12 pt.
• All lines should be double spaced.
• There should be one space after periods.
• Margins must be the standard 1". An extra half inch should be added to the left of the first line of a paragraph (this is equal to hitting the tab button once).
• Title page is not required unless specified by your professor.
• The first page should include your name, the instructor's name, the course title, and date in the upper left corner (double spaced). It should be followed by another double space, and then the title.
• The title should be capitalized and centered. Another double space must be included before the first paragraph of text.
• Headers should be on all pages and must include the last name of the author and page number in the top right corner. Some instructors prefer that you do not include a header on the first page. If you do not know which is preferred, ask.
• Italics are only for use in the titles of longer works (such as books).
• End notes, if your paper needs them, go at the end of your paper directly before the Works Cited page. The page should be titled Notes at the top center.