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Library Research Guides

Hoffman-Reyes, Lisa. English 101: Library databases

Your assignment

The research requirement is as follows:

  • Support your paper’s claims with 6-8 outside sources of information
  • One or more of your sources must come from our library databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, Etc.)
  • One or more of your sources should be a book or an e-book
  • If you use websites, they should be a .org, .gov, or .edu
  • You may include one “alternative,” creative source such as an interview, a video, an advertisement, a piece of art or literature, a sacred text, etc.

Books, articles, and films

From off campus, access with your SPSCC email.

EBSCO's Academic Search Complete -- magazines and scholarly journals

ebooks -- electronic books. The library is closed so there is no access to print books.

Proquest's Research Library -- magazines, including commentary magazines, and scholarly journals

Opposing Viewpoints -- commentary/argumentative sources

CQ Researcher -- In-depth overview articles on controversial topics.

Films on Demand -- academic films

TED Talks -- lectures by educated people